Living Air XL-15 |
Cabinet Quality |
Pressed Wood |
Solid Hardwood |
Ion Emitter |
Behind the Fan
Obstructs Ionization and can cause buildup inside
the unit |
In Front of Fan
Unobstructed Ionization permits ions to freely exit
unit. Inside unit stays cleaner and Ionizer is more
effective |
Ion Generator |
Less Powerful
Emits fewer ions |
More Powerful
Creates more effective ionization |
Double Emitters |
Single Emitter
Emits fewer ions. Point is cone shaped and thus
burns back to a thicker part of the needle |
Double Emitters
Emit more ions. Made of stainless steel wire. As
they slowly burn back, the emitter diameter stays
the same |
Cold Plasma Plates |
Cracks easily especially when cleaning
Ceramic Plates
Heavy Duty/Commercial Quality
More Durable and Longer Life |
Plate Access |
Must remove back of unit and then insert hand to
remove or install plates |
Equivalent to removing or inserting a CD into player
Internal Components |
Soft Metal
Soft Inexpensive Metals that can corrode |
100% Stainless Steel
Will not corrode from ozone
Chassis |
Difficult to Clean and maintain |
Modular/Slide IN-OUT
Superior quality design and
easy cleaning |